Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Okay true confessions – I am a People Pleaser!  I could pretend to deny it (and recently have), but truth be told, I am sometimes swayed from a point of my own conviction, in order to please or appease the person who is voicing a difference of opinion or suggesting a different course of action.

This Sunday’s readings for the 27th Sunday gave me pause.  St Paul’s letter to Timothy, though short in words, struck a strong chord.  “For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love.”  Cowardice – a strong word that caused my reflection. “…….bear your share of hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God.”  How different our lives could be if we relied on strength that comes, not from our own ego and pride, but from God.  

Then Luke’s gospel states Jesus’ words to his followers.  “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you would say…..’be uprooted and planted…..’  If we really hear those words in the depths of our hearts, we would readily apply them to us – his followers in 2019.  Our faith is not even close to the size of a mustard seed in Jesus’ eyes. I know for a fact that I often try to accomplish my responsibilities, both at church and at home, without imploring the Lord’s help and guidance. How else can one explain the people-pleasing approach that I keep in my back pocket.   

And then Luke continues with Jesus’ story to his apostles about the servant who is just expected to do his job as has been required by the master.  It becomes clear that with all that is expected of us, our lives could be so much more fruitful if we had more awareness of the Lord’s hand guiding us in all that we do.  How much freedom that would give our weary spirits. Spirits that often feel alone or are afraid of saying and/or doing what one assumes others expect of us.

My prayer…….the words of the psalmist……..
”If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.”

Reflection by: Mary Keefe

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