Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Prodigal Son

A friend and I sometimes talk about the Donut Maker.  I mean THE Donut Maker!  It is a conversation between us because we each tend to make all of those donuts by ourselves.  (And they often don’t come out very good!)  So when we ask for and experience the Almighty taking over the baking, it always has a more positive result. Well, you can guess that a Lenten focus for me has been to invite the Lord into my “kitchen” to help with all those decisions and responsibilities that fill my plate.

 As I enjoyed a wonderful cup of coffee at a favorite peaceful stop, I began pondering my to-do list for the day -- including writing this blog.  I love Cardinal Sean’s weekly blogs, so I started reading it with hopes that some inspiration would come.  In his words to a large group in Washington DC, he shared, “it is only holiness that is going to help the Church move forward.  If we are faithful to our formation and faithful in taking care of people, and if our words and actions are paired with the values of the gospel…..only then will we be able to bring healing to our Church and all those who have been wronged by it.”

Struck by Cardinal Sean’s message, I readily saw the connection with the message of the Prodigal Son.   “Holiness”; “faithfulness in taking care of God’s people”; “values”; “healing”.

The holiness, faith, values in the father; the healing for the prodigal son and hopefully for his brother.  These are what our Lord wants us to have in our focus.  I can personally identify with all three in this story.  The prodigal son who searched for other things for a while to satisfy his needs; the faithful brother who made judgments and had resentment in his heart; the father who forgave and accepted and shared his unending love for his children.

 This is the love and forgiveness that Jesus asks of us – for our Church and each other.

 Oh, and by the way, as I finished reading Cardinal Sean’s blog, what was the song playing in the restaurant?   “Count On Me” (Jefferson Starship,)     Thank you Almighty Donut Maker.

Reflection by Mary Keefe

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