Thursday, January 16, 2020

2020 Vision: Love, Peace, Joy & a Smile

I like to begin each New Year by taking one final look at the faces and messages on each of the Christmas cards that I’ve received before putting them away. In so doing I noticed that the same three words kept repeating over and over again: love, peace and joy. 

January is a time where I try and create a spiritual vision for the year ahead, try to remember to change the batteries in our smoke detectors, and lastly try to schedule my yearly eye exam making sure that my physical vision remains clear. In thinking about vision and about this Sunday’s Responsorial Psalm “here I am Lord: I come to do your will”, I began to wonder what is God’s vision for me, His will for me in this New Year? 

Last night while I was watching the unsettling evening news a commercial came on that I had never seen before.  It was an advertisement for batteries, yes batteries. But it was the message of the commercial that was so amazing.  The commercial showed a number of animated people in different difficult situations:  a car accident, parents arguing and children fighting.   The people involved were transformed from their anger by a stream of hearts which came flooding over them bringing with it love, peace and joy transforming them into happier people.

Then the commercial got even better when the words “We need more of God’s love, so we can love one another right now” came across the entire TV screen!  I couldn’t believe it!  What a simple yet clear message the world needs to hear.  I agree, we do need more of God’s love, and the sooner the better. Such a simple yet clear vision for us as we begin this New Year, to love one another right now! 

We can come to do God’s will by flooding love, peace, joy and a smile into difficult or challenging situations daily. Pope Frances said “we need to share our smile with the world, because a smile is the flower of the heart.” St. Mother Theresa also said “peace begins with a smile and let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”      May your 2020 vision be filled with love, peace, joy and a smile.

Reflection by Colleen Larose

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