Thursday, June 6, 2019

Uniquely Gifted for a Purpose

I have a fond recollection of the owner of a one-man service station near my hometown in South Quincy.  Our family would bring our car regularly to Joe Iacobucci to have it serviced as well as to get our gas.  He was a wonderful character who wore a handlebar style mustache, suspenders and sometimes a cowboy hat.  One couldn’t help but notice the fuselage of an airplane he was building in the left bay of his garage.  He was a rather quiet man, but always pleasant.  Joe was someone we could rely on to do an excellent job keeping our car safe and in good condition.  He was someone we liked, who was honest and we could depend on him.  He was our friend.  Joe has long since passed from this world.  The gifts God gave him were used very well.  He contributed to our family’s safety and trouble free journeys in the various cars we had over the years.  We depended upon Joe, his skill, his goodness, his fairness and his reliability.  He didn’t have a fancy job with a high-paying salary, but he made an important contribution to our lives.  

On this Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit and the outpouring of His many gifts upon the disciples.  The second reading of today’s Mass from 1 Cor. 12: 4 – 7 describes how each of us is uniquely blessed and gifted for some purpose. “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.  To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.”  It makes me think of Joe Iacobucci.  How blessed we are to have people in our lives uniquely skilled, gifted, talented and inclined in so many different ways, who, at the same time, are committed to share what God has given them for the good of others.  What would we do without them!  Think about it.  I really don’t know much about cars, except to drive them.  But, I can celebrate Mass and other Sacraments, and provide pastoral care to the people of God in our community.  That’s how God has gifted me.  How has God gifted you?  

Fr. Bob

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