First Sunday of Lent
How is it possible that the season of Lent is once again upon us? It seems just a short while ago that I was un-trimming my tree, packing up my nativity sets, taking down my window lights – all the while reflecting on the joyful moments we had just celebrated. And now Lent – with the somber color of purple and the reminder just a couple of days ago, with the ashes marked in the sign of the cross on our foreheads, that this current home of ours is only temporary. We are invited to enter into a period of solemn reflection and repentance, one that hopefully will lead to reconciliation and a commitment to a new beginning at Easter. Are there sign posts along the way that will help us to reach that goal? Possibly - some might be intentional prayer, spiritual silence, study of scripture, regular worship and giving to those in need. In past years, on this first Sunday of Lent, I have had the best of intentions…and then I lapse.
Perhaps the message in the readings of today will be a crutch for me in this Lenten season of 2019.
The Entrance Antiphon (which typically is not read aloud) starts with the words, “When He calls on me, I will answer Him.” Okay, let this be a reminder of my commitment to follow through on the resolutions I have made, knowing that I only have to ask for his help whenever I may falter.
The two readings from today proclaim the faith of those who have gone before us. In Deuteronomy 26:4-10 we hear the story of God’s chosen people and their flight out of Egypt. There were no paved highways, speeding trains or jet planes. The Israelites trudged through the sand, probably encountering all kinds of horrible weather conditions, arriving 40-years later in the Promised Land. There were many periods of unfaithfulness, but in the end, they professed their faith in God. In Romans 10:8-13 St. Paul stresses the love that God has for each of us and that by the death of Jesus, all people who believe in him, are forgiven. Faith is the segue to help us reach our eternal home.
I do believe this, but there are occasional days when my faith falters. At that point I hope I will remember today’s Responsorial Psalm and pray, “Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble”.
In Luke’s Gospel 4:1-13 we hear of Jesus’ temptation in the desert. I think for me this gospel has always been one of encouragement. Jesus was God/Man and in his humanity he was just like us. By the help of the Holy Spirit he overcame these temptations. Like him, we face struggles in many different forms as we walk through life, but by truly believing that help is available, we can overcome these.
As I start through this first week in Lent, I will remind myself that the dark days of purple will give way to joy, that God will draw us close to him and prepare us for the glory of Easter.
May God’s peace be with you.
Reflection by Barbara McMorrow
Great reflection and helpful information to begin the Holy Season of Lent! Thank you