This Sunday’s second reading from the letter of
Saint Paul to the Corinthians is one of his better known messages, one that many
of us have heard on numerous occasions but I think often times don’t
contemplate what it fully means. We hear
Paul say:
Brothers and sisters:
As a body is one though it has many parts,
and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body,
so also Christ.
For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.
As a body is one though it has many parts,
and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body,
so also Christ.
For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.
But what does that really mean? How does that affect me or change my life? What does it mean that we are all part of
Christ’s body?
I think there are two important ways to look at
this passage; one that is easy and pleasant to think about and one that is a
lot harder and potentially more painful.
Let’s start off with the easy, pleasant thought –
We are all part of Christ’s body and when we come together we work as Christ
would. We all have different talents and
abilities that God has given us and we are called to use them to the fullest. When we do that, everyone thrives: the Church
thrives, the community thrives, we are happy.
No matter who you are: the 3 year old that is having trouble sitting
through Mass, the teenager that doesn’t know if they really believe in all of
this “Jesus stuff”, the high school or college student who just had an amazing
retreat experience who thinks they have it all figured out, the young married
couple who just had their first baby, or the couple who is struggling with
infertility, the old married couple who just celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary, the family who just went through a painful divorce, the
varsity athlete, the shy
introvert, the person struggling with their sexuality; the list could go
on and on, but no matter who you are or where you are at in life, you have a
special gift to contribute to the body of Christ. And that is awesome. Together we all make up Christ’s body, no
matter how different we may be, we are one in Christ together.
Now comes the hard part of that message:
“If one part suffers, all the parts suffer
with it.”
When one of our
brothers or sisters is hurting, we hurt.
That is why social justice issues are so important in the Church. When we see people struggling with hunger, we
hurt. When people are homeless,
especially in these freezing temperatures, we hurt. When someone is killed before they have a
chance to be born, we hurt. When someone
is bullied or ostracized at school, we hurt.
When a child is kicked out of their
house because they tell their parents they are gay, we hurt. When someone is sick and can’t receive
medical care, we hurt. When an elderly
person isn’t seen as having any value or worth, so they are tossed to the side
and left to die, we hurt. When a person
is persecuted because of the color of their skin, or country they are from, or
language they speak, or religion they
practice, we hurt.
So what do we do when part of our
body hurts? We try to help it heal and
feel better. That is what we are called
to do for our brothers and sisters in Christ and it all starts with love. Love one another. Give generously, not only out of your surplus
but your need as well. If you see
someone being bullied or persecuted, stand up and say something. Be the voice for the voiceless. Fight for those who can’t fight for
themselves. March for those who can’t
march for themselves.
If we really want to be a part of
Christ’s body, we must care for all members of his body and love like Christ